How it all works
Here you can find and apply for all studentflats in Kolding. The flats are owned by different housing associations.
You can´t see which flats will be available, therefore you must apply for all the studentflats you are interested in.
Housing association
You can´t see which flats will be available, therefore you must apply for all the studentflats you are interested in.
- You register on our website
- You add studentflats to your application
- You are now on the waiting list for a studentflat
- Wait for an offer and keep an eye on your mailbox
- we mail you an offer, As soon as you are first on the waiting list for an available flat
- You give us your answer
- If you answer no, your application continues
- If you answer yes, you wait and keep an eye on your mailbox
- We inform the housing association that it´s your flat
- Your application with studentkolding is now cancelled
Housing association
- They mail you a contract and information about payment, keys etc.